…speak of who remembers the Chia Pets, and who had one?
Sorry, let’s carry on with the topic at hand.
This is a call for all the Black writers within the BlackStack community to claim your position for the next Sunday Service Announcement newsletter, share your hair story, love for music, or just in general your Black experience from the subculture you represent when it comes to Black culture.
Last week in the chat I shared a sneak peek at a questionnaire we were planning to roll out to gatekeep this community, and while the responses were surprising to me they revealed a lot to me.
One of the main things is that we need to use this space as a safe space to define Black culture in our own terms for our people. Who better than us, the writers of our community, the thinkers, the thought leaders within our culture?
Each Sunday, we come together to read Sunday Service Announcements and we have those healing conversations in the comments.
That’s why we need your story.
our first Founding Member shared in Week 5: Sunday Service Announcements newsletter her definition of Black culture through her experiences within her subculture as a Haitian-American.As a free subscriber, you are welcome to write once per month for a Sunday Service Announcement, F.U.B.U. Issa Culture Thing series and you are always welcome to submit your published pieces to the Roll-Call each week to be featured in Black Reads.
Paid subscribers get regular features in Sunday Service Announcements and the first selection for any new upcoming newsletters.
Get on the list for August newsletters.
Here is your call to action…leave a comment with what week you want to contribute. Writing for BlackStack has increased visibility for our writers by 25% and we are just getting started!
You gain access to the draft on the Sunday before you are featured, and your section of the SSA draft is due on the Saturday before you are featured at 9 pm PST or midnight EST.
Week 7: Sunday Service Announcements
Publish Date: August 4thDraft Due Date: August 3rdDraft Invite Date: July 28th
Week 8: Sunday Service Announcements
Publish Date: August 11thDraft Due Date: August 10thDraft Invite Date: August 4th
Week 9: Sunday Service Announcements
Publish Date: August 18thDraft Due Date: August 17thDraft Invite Date: August 11th
Week 10: Sunday Service Announcements
Publish Date: August 25thDraft Due Date: August 24thDraft Invite Date: August 18th
Week 11: Sunday Service Announcements
Publish Date: September 1stDraft Due Date: August 31stDraft Invite Date: August 25th
I'll submit for Week 9. 🤓
Hey hey!! Put me down for whichever week you don't find someone for. This is so dope!