An original F.U.B.U. Collection series continues with Anita Baker walking right up to Karen to compliment her hair, and Yanique breaks the hair stigma by starting her freeform journey, so good!
I loved your hair story Karen!! A black woman’s hair really is a signature of the different seasons of her life. You met so many greats while you were living in LA how amazing! Becoming hair independent out of necessity is so relatable I’ve also lived in a few places that didn’t have black stylist. Learning your hair for yourself is truly a gift. I also love the way you style your hair now ~ very chic and demure 🤌🏾
Omg I loved this story. Out hair is very beautiful and important and ive noticed based in location we have different styles but we always have a story. I love now ( my mom also) that there’s videos out. She tells us quick to Pinterest that lol she looks at the photo and recreates it. Then makes us do it ourselves lol Independence is a thing and with your hair it’s especially freeing.
I agree our hair is a story in itself a lot of times in our community. And as much as we love videos and podcasts it’s still something so special about reading a hair story you can relate to.
This reminds me of the famous Willie Lee Morrow (October 9, 1939 – June 22, 2022) was an American barber, businessman and inventor, who worked in the African American haircare industry. He was noted for inventing the Afro pick and developing the forerunner to the Jheri curl hairstyle. I feel like people don't give this man enough credit when it comes to black hair.
I loved your hair story Karen!! A black woman’s hair really is a signature of the different seasons of her life. You met so many greats while you were living in LA how amazing! Becoming hair independent out of necessity is so relatable I’ve also lived in a few places that didn’t have black stylist. Learning your hair for yourself is truly a gift. I also love the way you style your hair now ~ very chic and demure 🤌🏾
Thank you! 😊
Very demure 🤌🏾
Omg I loved this story. Out hair is very beautiful and important and ive noticed based in location we have different styles but we always have a story. I love now ( my mom also) that there’s videos out. She tells us quick to Pinterest that lol she looks at the photo and recreates it. Then makes us do it ourselves lol Independence is a thing and with your hair it’s especially freeing.
I agree our hair is a story in itself a lot of times in our community. And as much as we love videos and podcasts it’s still something so special about reading a hair story you can relate to.
This reminds me of the famous Willie Lee Morrow (October 9, 1939 – June 22, 2022) was an American barber, businessman and inventor, who worked in the African American haircare industry. He was noted for inventing the Afro pick and developing the forerunner to the Jheri curl hairstyle. I feel like people don't give this man enough credit when it comes to black hair.
You should send a little write up on him for November’s hair story! We might not know yet to sing his praises. Email it to me if you feel led 🫶🏾
That's a great idea.