Black Reads: Issue 004
New hot Black Reads fresh off the press!!! We are four weeks strong now!
What better way to announce a new newsletter hitting your inboxes this Friday curated by
and than here in Black Reads?says: This piece is for those who grew up with the Internet, who rushed home from school/work to see what’s new. It’s for the artists that made it big and the ones that didn’t. The ones that disappeared but still hold a special place in our hearts. This piece is for those who saw blogs and the music driving them as an adventurous digital escape from their mundane physical reality.
Tap in this Friday as Ricky and I take you on a ride back in time down these e-streets!
Notes Highlights
👀 How are we feeling this week as a collective?
Black Reads
Happy birthday, shoutout to
my right hand when it comes to formatting these Black Reads now, so please flood the comments with love for ’s 30th birthday!Spiral of A Mind’s Eye
A short frantic poem filled with rage and anger over the life of an innocent black woman, Sonya Massey, taken by the police
The Journal of Ashe
My first attempt at Fiction, Microfiction specifically:
november’s interlude
hey family :) my newsletter, november's interlude, shares facets of myself thru poetry, art, and other reflections. its a literary / visual space where I practice the art of being my own. for blackstack issue 004, I want to share my poem: heavy, a love letter to the soft southern body —
Shareece’s Philosophy
Hey, here is a newsletter about culture and society
Ricky Denham’s Words
A short story based off a dream I had recently. A poker game with notorious gangsters -
The Good Unlocked
On giving more than you take and having no expectations
Well…Here We Grow
Hey! Here is my newsletter where I'll be sharing personal musings and reflections based on healing, personal growth, spirituality, and faith.
The Original Baddie
with Founding Member,
Sometimes we need to unplug, disconnect, and focus on the people in front of us when the world gets too heavy to bear.
The latest touches on why Lauryn Hill’s Miseducation.. album and its cover still resonates with all of us today.
rumination mixtape
Can we truly say that what we benefit from is what oppresses us? This essay begs the question of whether pretty privilege has its downsides or if the harms we face stem from broader systemic issues.
Art Life by Alex B Artistry
This is about toxic relationships, loyalty, and self-discovery.
O.U.R Story
Newly anticipated movie I hope we all get view this fall/winter has an historical background, featuring ladies from N.C.
Chronicles of Change
I want to give Hood Therapy a break with the Black Reads and share one of my favorite posts, let me know how you feel about paper plates in the comments.
BlackStack Reads:
In case you missed our posts from last week.
Happy birthday 🎉 again Shanté!!!
Love the community you guys are building here! And happy birthday @Shanté