@MartineFelton I feel like your piece was for me specifically 😅 That first paragraph about asking for a car was the exact situation that happened when I manifested the vehicle I have now. Thank you for the reminder to recognise the blessings I receive for what they are and to place faith over fear.

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Thank you brothers and sisters. You all gave me insight to consider and words of blessing. ♥️🙏🏽

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Thank you, @TayFrancis, for teaching me about the "9 Tuesdays Novena." I was raised in an A.M.E. church, but attended Catholic school. My relationship with St. Anthony was strictly in pleading his prayer, "St. Anthony, St. Anthony, please look around. Something is missing and can't be found." While I no longer identify as a Christian, I still believe in God. I'm going to repurpose the 9 Tuesdays Novena and create my own devotional practice. This was an excellent issue. Thank you!

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I grew up Baptist and even attended a few A.M.E. churches, but there was a Catholic church next to my house. The church bell would go off every hour, and when we would pass by during service, I would ask my mom why aren’t Black people Catholic. Tay’s story gave me so much insight and answered my question: Black people are Catholic.

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This comment is so enlightening to me as someone who grew up in a majority Black and majority Catholic country. It's also exactly why I love reading the Sunday Service series -- I learn so much every week.

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It was my pleasure to share this story! The 9 Tuesdays Novena has become one of my favourite devotional practices and such a faith builder. Thank you for reading and I hope the novena serves and supports you as it has me and so many others 🫶🏾

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