This is my fave Sunday Service to date💜

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Same!!! Each week we keep getting better!

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That part!

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“But since we all made it…God, I have a question for you.

Am I not praying right?”

Whew I got chills. Everyone came to SERVE this morning.

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When I don’t know what to write about - I’ll default to this - “and when i say ‘everything’ i mean your swag, your hair, your nails, your routines. the rings you picked. there is nothing we doing that is not worth talking about.”

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🔥🔥🔥FLAMESSSS!! This SSA did not come to play! Soooo deep, gritty, real and yet pure, riddled with gold and the precious gems that are only found in the darkest most remote caves. Thank you siStars for this waterfall of healing, encouragement, depth and transformation💎

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🥰🥹 thanks sis!!!! The girls came through today!!!

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Damn! Y'all got me in tears this morning. These words bathed me in love and strength. You see I haven't been a part of a pure black community since I lived in Mid-City Los Angeles, in the place I grew up. I appreciated it for what it was to me then. It was love and acceptance. It's the place where I met my best friends for life. Since I had these kids and moved to Texas, the only consistent black community I've been a part of is my family, but they are not here with me. They are still back home. I need to find my way back home. Thank you my sisters! This was a whole word. I have a lot to think about today. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. ~Love, Karen

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You’re so welcome. I’m so glad to be in connection with kin

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Don’t make me cry Karen, damn!!!

I don’t think I’ve ever been apart of an all Black community until now besides my family and this feels so much better.

I pray you make it back home. I pray when you are in LA this year you find a part of home within yourself to keep and carry with you. I pray for you Sis always! 🙏🏾

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When I say I LOVE Black women!!!!! I

This the kind of service that would’ve had me shouting “That’s right” all throughout and running laps around the sanctuary. C’mon !👏🏾👏🏾

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Yesss 👏🏾😩 this one as it was cultivating I KNEW it was going to hit differently! I’m so happy with the way we all flowed. Girl we need to get you in the pulpit next month for Sunday Service!

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Ooooo let's do it!

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Let me know what week in August you would be interested!

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The third or fourth one!

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Both weeks are available I’ll be posting the signup this weekend so if you prefer one over the other let me know and I’ll go ahead and put you down!! Ooo this is exciting

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I will do the fourth one!

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Amen, Sistas!

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Amen, Sis!

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This faith walk…when the valleys outnumber the peaks, where is God? An all too common feeling. Keep moving forward, my sistas! We will reap, if we faint not…

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The faith walk! I know this walk all so well now it’s been the only path laid out for me for quite some time now. Thank you as always, Johanna!

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This was gooddddddd 🖤 i loved reading all of your words and musings, everyone wrote so raw & authentically love love love

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It’s okay you can go hard in the comments for yo mama girl! She showed out!!!!

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😂 she sureee did, her authenticity has always been an inspiration to me for sure but now that im grown myself it means so much more you know?!

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Yes I can only imagine! I pray you know how much of a blessing it is that you have a mother that’s DONE the work and can inspire you.

For my daughter I will be that but I did not have that as a daughter. I inspire my mother to do better and be better. My daughter will never experience the things I did because I changed how we lived.

You and your mother are inspiring to me!

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Thank you! All these comments are just so.... i have no words. Its been a long time since I had community.

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Well consider us your community now! I get that feeling though! When I had my reiki practice I experienced the emotion of connection but THIS is different. This one is special. It’s different from reiki but carries the same power! I’m so happy to have connected with you!

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Me too Sis! Thank you for your words.

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Seriously. This my favorite SSA thus far.🔥🖤

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Nah fr!

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You know I’m subscribed!!! Excited for you to share again!!!

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I feeeeel it Mary.

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This gave me chills to read your PS.

Yes, we got your seat on the end back pew saved EVERY Sunday for you Dr. Mary!!! Thank you for reading and commenting!!!

The girls did amazing this week!!!

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